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hydrodynamic cavitation


Bernoulli's Principle - 1738
Venturi Effect - 19th Century
Cavitation - 1885*

Learn More...
*Charles Algernon Parsons
a more powerful clean


Mother Nature Approved - With a more powerful clean to boot.

No chemicals mean


Save storage space in your garage where chemical buckets USED to go, no more headache, and best of all, more time.
Your time.


100% FREE from any man-made additives or substances. 100% safe for you, the kids, and pets!

Perfect Balance

There's lots to balance in water, pH, Calcium, Alkalinity, LSI, we'll take care of it all.


Some pathogens are immune to Chlorine, Unlike traditional methods, Cavitation kills ALL living pathogens and bacteria.

Save Time

Even only a few minutes saved from everytime you balance your pool's chemicals will add up over a lifetime. Cross off that trip to the pool store while you're at it.


Free up all the storage room that Shock, Tablets, Soda Ash, Muratic Acid, and Testing Kits take up in your garage!

Mother Nature Approved

Nothing on the market is as environmentally friendly as cavitation. Not even close.

Giving Back

We're using this technology to provide clean, drinkable water to those in need. We're already sponsoring missions in morroco!


Average 5 year chemical savings


Units sold :D


Customer time saved!


Garage space reclaimed!

More than just a pool amenity


This technology is now possible thanks to over 150 years of research and hard work. Support us as we continue to apply this technology in different fields and mediums.


We're a proud partner of KLARNA, Finance the device for a low monthly payment for 24 months.

Try our product, RISK FREE for 90 days with our no questions asked money-back garuntee.

Limited time $250 coupon.

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Words from our Customers!

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Adriana Ferris

Memphis, TN


My son has asthma and struggles when in a chlorine pool, especially indoors. This is an actual LIFESAVOR!

Fiona White

Long Beach, California


Felt compelled to write this review because of previeous reviews I saw... There's an arrow on the device to show which way the water should be flowing. Just make sure it matches. Mine's working great.

John Sponza

Orlando, FL


I’m opening up my pool for the spring/summer season and installed a new Aquastaser. I just finished brushing the pool, dismantling and cleaning the pool filter, pump screen and skimmer basket. The device has been in for about a day. Prior to installing the water was lime green from Algea. When emptying the big filter container today I was so surprised at how clear the water appeared. Look at these 2 photos, one pre aquastaser and one a day later!

J canan

Oklahoma City


I absolutly love it. It's a little bit of an investment to purchase and have installed but it's absolutely worth every penny. If you think about it, this will pay for itself MANY times over. I haven't ran into issues with durability or anything like that. Water looks great! Very clean. It would always get cloudy after a storm from the pH messing up but this thing just keeps it crystal clear as if we had pool service-elves livinging in our backyard. P.S. My kid asked if he could drink the water... I laughed... at first.

Pryor Harden

Fort Worth, Texas


I purchased this for my mother who, living on a fixed-income, couldn't pay someone to maintain it for her. It's getting hard for her to maintain it herself. She doesn't have to even think about it anymore.It's an indoor pool and man... it smells so much better in there.

KC Fuller

Phoenix Arizona


Not what I was expecting... I was under the impression this was going to be something I put in the pool, not have installed. (Cost me $250 to get it installed by my pool guy who's never even heard of it.)Water was still cloudy until I called the customer service and spoke to the manager who told me to stop putting ANY chemicals in the pool. Cleared up overnight! Has been ever since... I thought I'd wait a month before I actually submitted my final thoughts but the only difference I can really tell is the water just, feels cleaner. Might be placebo maybe not. ‍

Macus Hayes

Washington, DC


We've got a 70,000 gal pool and since I do all my own chemical work myself I got tired of loading our chemicals into the trunk of my car and tripping over them in my garage. So when I saw this I thought even if it doesn't work it's worth the risk just to find out...It works guys! Not really sure how or why but now I've got 2 new bikes where I was storing my chemicals in my garage!

Chantal M.



At first we were skeptical if this was working. Honestly we couldn't tell. We got the water tested at our local pool place after having it on for a week and they showed us we had no chlorine in our pool but it's been crystal clear ever since so

EM Mathieson

San Fran


We just got back from Cambodia for 2 months without touching our pool at all.IT WAS CRYSTAL CLEAR!We have saved A LOT of money since we've made the switch.‍

Smith Emmerson

Birmingham, AL


So I'm a new pool owner and I wanted to give it a shot since the salt cell that came with the house wasn't working anymore. Works great!

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If you have an issue, be sure to contact our support via phone or text at 615.266.6290 or email us at

Sara Demuni
NYC, New York

It just works! No issues, had it installed at the begenning of this summer! Never been better! Love it!

John Sponza
Orlando, FL
Changed Everything!

The device has been in for about a day. Prior to installing the water was lime green from Algea. When emptying the big filter container today I was so surprised at how clear the water appeared. Look at these 2 photos, one pre aquastaser and one a day later!

Kelly Wright
Bozeman, MT
Best Investment

Never in my life would I have thought something like this was possible! I'm so impressed! The chemical free experience is amazing!

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